Funny Baby Boy Shower Invitations Finger

25+ Baby Shower Invitation Poems & Wording Ideas for Girls & Boys

baby shower invitation wording poem ideas

We have gathered a ton of cute baby shower poem ideas just for you!

These are the cutest, most popular baby shower invitation wording ideas you will find! ... and there is a whole slew of them!

You'll find sayings fit for baby boys, baby girls, and neutral poems for when the gender is unknown!

From funny baby shower invitation wording ideas to  sentimental poems - choose a saying that you feel matches the mother-to-be's personality and style.

Cute Invitation Wording Ideas
Baby Shower Poem Ideas

Simple baby shower invitation poems for a baby boy:

1) Soft and Sweet, A Bundle Of Joy, My Mommy is Expecting A Boy!
2) Soft and Sweet, A Bundle of Joy, __(Mom-to-be's name)__ is expecting a boy!

• This is a baby shower poem idea for a "sprinkle" (a sprinkle is a toned-down version of a baby shower, usually for a 2nd or 3rd child)
Pins, Diapers, Bottles Galore
(mothers name) and (fathers name) are having one more
Big (sister/brother) has plenty to share
This is only a "sprinkle" to show that we care
Please join us to celebrate before baby is due
We still do not know if it will be pink or blue

• Ten Little Fingers, Ten Little Toes
Boy or Girl, No One Knows

• Nine Month Forecast: A Shower ... Followed By a Sunny Baby!

• Trains & Trucks or Ribbons & Bows...Boy or Girl Nobody Knows

• Boy Oh Boy!

• We are Tickled Pink and Happy to Say ... A Sweet Little Pea Is On His/Her Way!

• A Baby Girl is On Her Way, Join Us For Her Mommy's Special Day!

• Think Pink!

• Join Us For A Ba-Bee Shower (perfect for invitations with a cute little bee on them!) Cute As Can Bee!

• True Blue!

• A Giggle, A Curl ... A Sweet Little Girl!

• Cute Little Nose, Sweet Little Smile ... A Baby is Coming in Just A Short While!

• A Cute Little Chick is On Her Way! Join us for this Special Day! (so cute if you have invitations with a chick on them)

• A Bundle of Joy is on the Way, So Please Reserve This Special Day!

Gender Reveal Sayings And
Quotes For Invitation Wording

• A Baby is Coming, Cute As Can Be ... Boy or Girl, We'll Just Have to See! (if the parents are going to find out the baby's gender - a clever way to reveal the sex of the baby is to bake a pink or blue cake and frost it with vanilla or chocolate frosting to completely cover the cake. When the cake is cut into all of the guests will then know what the baby is going to be! This is called a gender reveal shower! So much fun!)

• What Will It Bee? (for a bumble bee themed shower)

• Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, How We Wonder What You Are

• Baby _(last name)_ is almost due, We still don't know if it's pink or blue!

• It's A Baby Shower! Pink or Blue...If (mom-to-be's name) only knew!

• Get the cheapest baby shower invitations in town (they're free) over at our invitations page

• Bottles, Diapers, Laundry in A Heap
(Mary's) Having a Baby ... And Will Soon Be Without Sleep!

• Here Comes A Baby From Heaven Above
Come Help Us To Shower (him/her) With Love

• Tiny hands, button nose, chubby cheeks, little toes (or clothes)

• A baby is cuddles and tickles on toes
The sweet scent of powder, a kiss on the nose
A baby is teddy bears, rattles, powder, and pins
Meals at midnight, giggles, and grins


Wording Idea For A 1st Time Grandmother

I want to meet my grandmother,

I heard her voice today.

She sounds so excited

that I'm meeting the world,

I must see her to say.

You're beautiful grandmother

and I love you so dear.

I will meet you soon,

the time is near.

Baby Shower Poem Ideas


• I wrote this poem for my daughter's baby shower (from Karen)

Kristin is the sugar

Glenn added the spice

Together they've created someone sooooo nice!

Her name will be Elle

All giggles and fun

So join us in having an


• This is one of my favorite baby shower poem ideas! It was submitted by: Rachelle from Australia:

"I came up with this poem as a way of letting guests know that, as it was my sister's second child, we didn't want anyone to go out and spend lots on large items... I couldn't find one already on any site, so I had to create my own!"....
"If a gift you wish to bring, Please remember this one thing, As this is Baby Number Two This simple thing we ask of you, Most they have, but a few they need Smaller items like nappies, and bottles to feed, Clothes, sweet and pretty, they'll sure bring a smile As a baby girl will be coming, in just a short while! But if you're still stuck and in need a clue, Just give me a call and I will help you!" Hope other readers can make use of it too!

• cheeky, cheeky
little boy, please come along
and bring a toy!
-By Christie

• In one another (Dad-to-be) and (Mom-to-be) found love, now here comes a baby from heaven above. A sweet little girl/boy to tuck in all snug,
to love and to cuddle, to kiss and hug. Please join us in this joyous celebration!
-By Kellie

• Baby Shower Gift Registry Poem - Add on to invite - Baby Registry Poem:
If you'd like to get a little something extra
For when (baby)'s making a fuss,
The brand new parents-to-be
Are registered at Target, Amazon and Babies R Us
-By Angela

• This family of three will soon become four,
So Kayli's mommy & daddy are making room for one more.
Let's celebrate on this special day
Mommy's lil' punkin is on his way.
-By A Pinquoch

• A new baby is almost due,
We don't know if it's pink or blue...
(Mother's name) and (Father's name) can hardly wait.
Please join us as we celebrate!
-By Jyllian

Baby Shower Girl Poem
We're tickled pink and happy to say,
(Mommy/Daddy's name) has a baby girl on the way.
Bottles, bibs, bows, and more,
Let's shower (Baby's name) with gifts galore!

 Poem Wording for a Sprinkle Shower (BOY)

Sprinkled With Love…

We're having a Baby Sprinkle for our favorite couple you see,

Diana and Chuck are expecting Baby number Three!

Please come and share in this Miraculous Joy,

As we celebrate the Blessing of another baby BOY!!





**Diapers and wipes are wonderful Sprinkles,

They're sure going to need them when their little guy tinkles**

Submitted By Raquel D

diapers and wipes baby shower wording ideas banner

• You're invited to a shower for our sweet new mommy-to-be
for (parents names), and this new baby boy/girl; this family will make three.
They have waited so long for this time to arrive,
with love in their hearts and joy in their eyes.
We will shower her with gifts, for the new bundle of joy,
to fill up the nursery with clothes and books and toys.
Please say you will attend the shower, and share with her this day,
as she prepares for their joyous arrival, soon to be on his way.
-By Nikol

• Much happiness for your new baby boy.
He will bring you, your husband and Jr much joy!
Many blessing from heaven are coming your way.
We can hardly wait for the day!
-By Vicky

• The time has come, let's all give a cheer!
For soon baby (baby last name or name if shared)will be here.

• For (mom's name)and (dad's name) this will be the first,
we are all overjoyed and ready to burst!
Please join in the festivities the fun and the joy,
To welcome this special bundle a girl or a boy!
By Lisa

• Maybe a girl, maybe a boy, but definitely a bundle of joy!
-By Darcy

• A new little baby to cuddle and love,
To spoil just a little
and think the world of,
A bundle from Heaven
to simply adore,
Now who in the world
could ask for more!
-By Stephanie

• I am here, though you cannot see, the doctor tells mom and dad a BOY I will be .... Just a little get together it will be such a treat, in honor of a little someone whom you will soon meet!

Baby Shower Poem Ideas

• A baby is a treasure,
A blessing from above.
And nobody can measure, a baby made from love.
Join us in the celebration of (mom-to-be's name) 1st born
-By Tara

• Diaper and pins, a new life begins.

• I'm almost here, I'm on my way, I'm the reason you celebrate today. You've planned and prepared for me to arrive, love is the reason I'm alive. So I thank you all from the bottom of my heart, for helping my mom and dad give me a great start.
-By Sylvia

• Blue or Pink all diapers stink!

• Ribbons and pearls, it's all about the girls

Mommy-to-Be Care Package - This is a clever list of items to create a mommy-to-be, sentimental care package. It contains different things that have these little meanings like a clock to remind you that children grow up too fast, etc:

Hershey's Hugs & Kisses: for you and the baby, for you both deserve them

Penny: for your thoughts

Pen & Journal: to write down your thoughts & to remember those amazing moments

Clock: to remind you that time will pass by too quickly, enjoy every moment

Mirror: to remind you that you are important too

Marbles: to replace the ones you will lose

Jewel: now that you are a mother, you are even more valuable

Rubber band: to remind you that flexibility is the key

Lifesavers: to save you from one of those days

Tissue: to dry those tears, the babies and yours

Toothpick: to pick out the good in all situations

Fireball: for times when you are burnt out

Lollipop: to lick all your problems

Eraser: to remind you that every new Mom made mistakes

Puzzle Piece: because you are an important piece in your child's journey through life

Starburst: for energy!

• A Sweet little smile and a cute little nose.It's a girl named Karolina Rose.
-This is a great baby shower invite poem if the baby's middle name is Rose. The baby shower is rose-themed as well.
-Submitted By Sandy

• Brown and beige circles are a sure bet,
But Pink or Blue, we do not know yet!
By Ginger

• Diapers, bottles, bibs and more,
That's what a baby shower is for!!

• Princess In Progress!
Please Join Us In Showering (mom-to-be)

• If it's a gift you wish to bring, please remember this one thing, I am baby number two so here are the items I need from you, long sleeve onesies, pampers and pajamas would be great and don't forget to bring your mate.
Third time's a charm and spoiling a baby never caused any harm.

free baby shower invitation template

FREE printable baby shower invitations just for you! Find them over on our invitation page!

• Poem For A Second child this time a girl
Pins, Diapers, Bottles Galore
Christy and Matt are having one more
big brother Ryan would be happy to share
but this time his things won't do
they need pink rather than blue!
-from Jeannie


To honor a deceased child

I need help thinking of a verse for a special situation.  My sister and brother in law lost their son at 4 years old, two years ago  They are now pregnant again, and I'd like to touch on the fact that it's special, technically their second but not living, and they are having a boy.  Any ideas?  I want to make it a bit more special than just the typical , you know?  HELP!

Things happen for a reason

we don't understand why,

We wanted another baby

so we really did try!

We're having a boy, for sure that is clear

And big brother(deceased brother)will always be near!

Join us in Sharing this Special Baby Shower and honoring (big Brother)


• While pregnant with #3, we moved closer to relatives that were once out of state and unable to make my first shower. My husband's cousin came up with this verse. Submitted from Sandra

A new family member so soon will be here!
A Granddaughter, a Daughter, a Sister so dear.
We're planning a Shower and hope you can come
To welcome the Princess with good family fun.
We missed number one. We missed number two.
Three strikes and we're out, so we're counting on you!


A Baby Blessing Poem when gifts are optional

(Mom's first name) is expecting boy/girl#2
(Baby Name) in (Month) is due
We hope to share our joy with you,
(Host Name) and (Host Name) too.

Come and show how much you care;
Join us in a little prayer.
Momma stories you should prepare;
The best ones we will compare.

(Mom's first/last name) has been blessed.
Just come, relax and be our guest.
A pack of diapers may we suggest,
to share with those whose needs are stressed.




(Donated diapers will be given to ___________)


Baby Shower Poem Ideas

• Ten little fingers, ten little toes with a sweet little smile and a cute little nose.
A baby is coming in just a little while!
-By Carmina

• Baby number four is on his/her way so come and celebrate the special day.
-From Faith

• One baby was so much fun,
(Name of mom-to-be) thought she'd have another one. -from Krystal

Baby Shower Poem Ideas

• It took a while, but I found my King,
Now a little prince is on his way,
And I'll have everything.

• Baby on tummy with blankie close by,
Beautiful dreams little one,
Beddy-bye, Beddy bye

Help! I need a clever poem to convey instructions - by Tammy

The theme of the baby shower is "Childhood Memories".
I am sending out cards with each invite and asking the party goers (if they attend or not) to fill out a card stock with their favorite childhood memories, either their own or with their kids.

They can put as many as they like and send it back in the envelope provide. I will have a special scrapbook to place them all creatively in.

I figure also that even if someone can't come they still can be a very personal and special part of the memory book...

I just can't come up with a cute poem about it. Please help, I'm stuck!
Thanks for any help!

Comments from Readers:

"Childhood Memories"
by: Sharon

"Childhood Memories"

I'm sending out these invites today
With instructions-Your childhood memories to convey
Send as many as you like to stack
Put them in the envelope and mail it back
It would be nice to include your kids as well
So we can have fun with show and tell
And if by some reason you can't attend
We would greatly appreciate any picture you send
You will be a special personal part of my Scrapbook
For years and years that never end

I hope this helps you.

Thanks for looking at our baby shower poem ideas!

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